Joanie Weinstein

Joanie Weinstein was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and moved to Dallas with her family in June of 1969. She has been an educator and highly active member within the Dallas Jewish community, where she has made a positive influence on its members.

Click on the image to watch the video, or click here.

Loren Weinstein

Loren Weinstein was born in 1939 in Denver, Colorado. Loren has been a highly involved supporter and leader within the Dallas Jewish community, which he attributes to his upbringing and the values his family instilled in him from a young age.

Click on the image to watch the video, or click here.

Edward Stone

Edward Stone was born in 1941 in Houston, Texas, and eventually moved with his family back to Texas in the summer of 1975. A hard-working man, Edward made it his mission to give back to the community and thus he has become a highly active member in Dallas’s Jewish community.

To watch the video, click here.