Cheryl Sulski

Cheryl Sulski was born in Namibia and moved to Cape Town, South Africa, with her family at age eight. She eventually moved with her husband and two children to Dallas, where she has been an important and active member within the Jewish community.

To watch the video, click here.

Carole Wolanow

Carole Wolanow was born in 1946 in Los Angeles, California. Carole has passionately involved herself in many organizations within the Dallas Jewish community and also has served on the boards of different national organizations. Carole was originally interviewed by Scott Farber in 2013, and subsequently by Rose Hurwitz in 2022.

To watch the 2013 video, click here. To watch the 2022 video, click here.

Rik Katz

Born in South Africa, Rik Katz and his family moved to Dallas in 1986. He was a former treasurer of Akiba Academy and an involved Jewish community member before he and his family moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 1998.

To watch the video, click here.