Joel Batalsky

Joel BatalskyJoel Batalsky
Born in 1940 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father passed away when Joel was just five years old, and Joel grew up in an orphanage while having his mother by his side. A strong man, Joel received a wrestling scholarship to Temple University. He joined the military after studying business administration and accounting and graduating college in 1962. Joel and his wife have been heavily involved in the Jewish community in Dallas as active members of Temple Emanu-El, the Jewish Community Center, and various veterans organizations. Joel is a proud Jew and American, inspiring many with his desire to act with kindness and to repair the world around him.
Published on September 30, 2015 and amended on October 19, 2018.

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Joan Genender

Joan Genender was born in 1937 in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, where she lived until her family moved to Toronto when Joan was 16. Her father was an insurance agent and her mother had a store called “The Joan Dress Shop”.  After graduating from high school in Toronto, Joan entered nursing school at Women’s College Hospital, leading her a few years later into Public Health Nursing. Joan moved to America in 1961 and married her husband, Larry, in July 1962 after a swift six month courtship. They settled in Brooklyn, and then Montreal for 11 years before moving to Dallas where Larry, a surgeon, accepted a job at Medical City. Joan has been inducted into the Temple Emanu-El Hall of Fame and has been very active in the Sisterhood, serving as president from 2003-2005. She has chaired multiple fundraisers and has initiated many new advancements with her wonderful leadership.

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