Boots Brin

Boots Brin shares with Bob Beer and Ginger Jacobs her family history. She discusses her genealogical search for more information on her ancestry. The group discusses various research avenues, as well as her upcoming trips to New Orleans and Israel in search of information.

She was interviewed by Bob Beer in February 1984.


Alfred Brauman

Alfred Brauman discusses his relationships with other medical and dental Jewish doctors in the Dallas area. While going to school at The University of Baylor he discusses the hardships he endured by other students and staff members because he was Jewish. Mr. Brauman was part of many dental organizations, local to worldwide. Alfred provided dental help to people in need and dental students in school.

He was interviewed by Dr. William Von Rams on March 16, 1988. Listen to his interview below.


Sam Blumenthal

Sam Blumenthal was interviewed by Ginger Jacobs twice – first in 1973 when he discusses his transition from Orthodoxy to Conservative Judaism, and subsequently on April 17, 1975 when he discusses his family history and life in Dallas. Listen to both interviews below.