Ruth Andres was interviewed by Rosalind Benjet on April 3, 2008
Click here to watch her interview.
Ruth Andres, and her children Rachel Andres, Jill Andres, Roger Andres, & Marc Andres, were interviewed on May 5, 2022 by Debra Polsky for the DJHS 50th Anniversary celebration, “Jews, Brews, BBQ & Blues.” Watch their interviews here.
My dearest ms.Ruth this is karolyn oyebadejo ofen think of you a lot. praying that everything is well with you my greatest blessing was assisting you my granddaughter is 3 years old now and I tell her all about you and what a great and humble and giving lady you are I’m in Dallas now and I want to apologize to you. the way things was left that was unsaid if you ever need my assistance I will always be there please keep in touch I have all three covet shots so I’m protected just say the word and I will come back love always kkarolyn